septiembre 2016

Traducción simultánea en los eventos

Traducció simultània en els esdeveniments

Els idiomes no poden ser una barrera. Per això, en esdeveniments internacionals o en grans esdeveniments on diverses llengües són les protagonistes, és important que el llenguatge i la comunicació sigui entesa per cada un dels assistents o ponents de la mateixa forma. És aquí...

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15 Sep
Traducción simultánea en los eventos

Simultaneous translation for events

Languages can not be a barrier. Therefore, in international events or large events where several languages are the protagonists, it is important that language and communication is understood by each of the attendees or speakers in the same way. This is where the simultaneous translation...

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15 Sep
Personal Stereo Rent

Equipment rental company for events in Barcelona

Stereo Rent is a company specializing in equipment rental for all kinds of events in Barcelona. We know that organizing an event is not a simple task, and so we provide the customer personalized advice and to detail for success in each of their projects....

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05 Sep
foco hmi

Light up your outdoor event with HMI

Do you need a lighting system for your event? In Stereo Rent we help you choose the right light for your audiovisual project (concert, conference, convention, exhibition, trade show, corporate event ...

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29 Ago
AERO-DAS CA 28A line array

Line array per sonoritzar exteriors

Oferir un so coherent i unificat és l'objectiu clau de qualsevol esdeveniment, per això avui ens volem centrar en el sistema Line Array i en dos models en particular, l'AERO DAS CA-28A i CA-215A. Es tracta de dos sistemes, concebuts com sistemes modulars, i que...

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22 Ago
AERO-DAS CA 28A line array

Line array sound outdoors

Provide a coherent and unified sound is the key objective of any event. Therefore, today we want to focus in Line Array system and two models in particular, AERO DAS CA-28A and CA-215A. They are two systems, designed as modular systems, and joined other units...

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22 Ago
AERO-DAS CA 28A line array

Line array para sonorizar exteriores

Ofrecer un sonido coherente y unificado es el objetivo clave de cualquier evento, por ello hoy nos queremos centrar en el sistema Line Array y en dos modelos en particular, el AERO DAS CA-28A y CA-215A. Se trata de dos sistemas, concebidos como sistemas modulares,...

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22 Ago