
Concert Pimpinela

Concert del mític duet Pimpinela al teatre Arteria Paral·lel. Pantalla de 6mm de LED per donar cobertura al ple absolut que hi va haver en aquesta...

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10 Nov

Pimpinela Concert

Concert of the legendary duo Pimpinela at the Arteria Paral•lel theater. 6mm LED screen to cover the full house that was in the theater. ...

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10 Nov

Concierto Pimpinela

Concierto del mítico dueto Pimpinela en el teatro Arteria Paral·lel. Pantalla de 6mm de LED para dar cobertura al lleno absoluto que hubo en esta sala....

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10 Nov

Harley Devidson Gathering

Three days of motor all around Barcelona. A large number of Harley Davidson choppers could be seen al throughout the city this weekend at the highest...

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07 Nov