
Trofeo Conde de Godó 2014

Stereo Rent ha estat per segon any consecutiu l’empresa proveïdora de les pantalles i del sistema de vídeo al Trofeu Comte de Godó (Barcelona Open Banc...

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29 May

Trofeo Conde de Godó 2014

Stereo Rent has been the official company to provide the screens and the video system to the “Trofeo Conde de Godó” (Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell) with...

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29 May

Alimentaria 2014

"Stereo Rent s’ha encarregat del lloguer i la instal·lació dels audiovisuals de diversos stands a la Fira Alimentaria 2014, celebrada del 31 de març al 3...

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07 Abr

Alimentaria 2014

Stereo Rent was the responsible for the renting and installations of the audiovisuals in several stands at the 2014 Alimentaria Exhibition, that took place from the...

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07 Abr

Alimentaria 2014

Stereo Rent se ha encargado del alquiler e instalación de los audiovisuales de varios stands en la Feria Alimentaria (añadir link 2014, celebrada del 31...

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07 Abr

Stereo Rent at the Agencia EFE’s 75th anniversary

"The EFE Agency celebrates its 75th anniversary with the exhibition: “EFE, 75 Years of Photos” ( inaugurated this Tuesday in the gardens of the Palau Robert....

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03 Abr