septiembre 2015

Gran Debat del 27S a TV3

La passada nit va tenir lloc el debat electoral a TV3 amb els 7 principals candidats a President de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Per fer que aquest debat fos més espectacular vam instal·lar dues pantalles LED de 6mm, una d’elles darrere del presentador, i una pantalla...

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21 Sep

Great Debate on September 27th at TV3

Last night took place on TV3 the election debate with the 7major candidates for President of the Generalitat of Catalonia. To make this debate more spectacular, we set up two 6mm LED screens, one of them behind the moderator and a 4mm LED screen resolution.  ...

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21 Sep

Gran Debate del 27S en TV3

La pasada noche tuvo lugar el debate electoral en TV3 con los 7 principales candidatos a President de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Para hacer que el debate fuera más espectacular instalamos dos pantallas LED de 6mm, una de elles detrás del presentador, i una pantalla LED...

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21 Sep

Alumni Celebration – 25th Anniversary Pompeu Fabra

On Friday September 18th, took place the Alumni Celebration - 25th Anniversary of the Pompeu Fabra University, at the outdoor patio will took place the Boreal live show and a theatre performance with some actresses and actors of the country. To make this festival a memorable...

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21 Sep